Home Page of Jennifer Gelsi nee Briginshaw |
Hello All!
Melbourne, Australia
About me/us
My name is Jennifer Gelsi (nee Briginshaw), I am married to Michael and we have a son, Tommas.
I work from home as a secretary/PA/mum and I enjoy reading, cooking, movies, creativity, writing.
My Relations
My father is Robert Briginshaw, mum Lorna and brother Andrew. My grandfather, Charles, emigrated to Australia from England around 1918-ish. I have been corresponding with John Briginshaw via email for about 18 months.
Contact Details
Jennifer Gelsi
Email: JABG@bigpond.com*
My Links
Briginshaw Family Home Page
| Astrosurf - Daily Astrology**
| Maternity Matters - Great Clothes for Mums to Be**
I would be interested to hear from Briginshaws around the world.
Briginshaw Home | BRIGNET MessageBoard | Internet Valuation | Iglu.com Ski Site
* Webmaster's note: problem reported with email address (exceeds mailbox storage quota) - address may be out of date. Please update the email address to webmaster.
** Webmaster's note: Old links to astrosurf and maternitymatters.com broken - updated.